It’s funny how some of the people you meet become family faster than you ever thought possible.  That is the case with my good friend Maren of Root.Rise.Relish.  Our friendship began slowly (we both teach yoga at the same studio) and then a few bottles of wine, and tears of laughter later we were fast friends.

Over one of these legendary wine nights I began to ask Maren about her photography, blog, and inspiration.  She has become  a vital support for me as I begin this journey.  She is also the super babe in my “Oregon Coast” blog entry and helped to take pretty much all the photos for this website.

In addition to being a photographer extraordinaire she runs a lifestyle blog called Root.Rise.Relish with our other good friend Sarah.  Pulling from Sarah’s knowledge as a nutritionist and Maren’s ability to tell stories in a beautiful way they were able to cultivate a platform of recipes, adventures, and inspiration. .  Promoting balance with adventure, indulgence with health , this website cultivates a life we can all strive for.  

Recently she did a feature of my trip on her own website. A fantastic showcasing of my inspiration, story, and what brought me to this life.  

Check out Root. Rise. Relish to learn more.

Sidenote- if you need a recipe for bread check theirs out, it’s the best I’ve ever tried.

Listening to: Windows- Prinze George